Tuesday, July 7, 2009


lantana camara


  1. I love lantana, May! Merci pour la photo : )

  2. I happen to love lantana--it's one of my favorite warm weather plants. In fact, I'm thinking of trying to grow it on my window-sill, though I've been told it won't grow inside....I did by some herbs today, including lavender, that will all do splendidly on my hot and sunny ledge. I wish you were going to be in New York in September to see them! One day soon, though...In the meantime, I will send you pictures!

  3. Lavender has a special place in my heart since it grows in such abundance in M,'s region. I was growing some basil, cilantro and mint quite successfully on the terrace. But my faith in the generosity of Guadeloupe's weather was misplaced. I did not leave my plant in anyone's care, and the cilantro and mint are good and dead, though the basil survives heroically.

  4. Really? The basil survived? I have three types of basil in our apartment here: thai basil, purple basil, and green ruffle basil (that's what the plant tag says). The purple basil up and died, I'm afraid, and the thai basil looks like it's on it's way out. It's too dry in my apartment; even though I water them twice a day it's still not enough! I've never had this much trouble with plants before. I may give it all up and just stick to Geraniums.
