Tuesday, July 7, 2009


lantana camara

Monday, July 6, 2009

Its been a surprisingly busy two weeks. So much so that I haven't had time to write. Perhaps a taste of the life that is possible?

M. and I will be leaving Guadeloupe in a few days for New York. I have been excited about the trip, but far less impatient than I was in January. Actually, I've noticed that I daydream less often about New York than I used to, even though I still miss it terribly. Could this also be a taste of the life that is possible?

With so few days left, though, I'm beginning to think about New York a lot. I am looking forward to so many things. I am already planning the meals I will have - a slice of New York pizza, two dollar dumplings, Italian pastries. My preoccupations about food leads me to wonder if I would adapt better to Guadeloupe if I could somehow eat the same things as I would in New York.